Batam strategically located at the international shipping route; therefore it attracts investors and labor market. Most of the citizens of Batam are woman with percentage equal to 51,91%. The purpose of the research are: 1) to identify characteristics of the female labor force; 2) to recognize social and demographic factors that influence female labor in selecting job in the city of Batam; 3) to recognize the probability and tendency of female labor in selecting job by social and demographic aspects. The result of the 2000 population census indicates that social and demographic characteristics influence the way female labor selecting job. There is a tendency that younger female labor more interested in working in the non-agricultural sector. Female labors with high school education and higher education have larger probability to get a job in the non-agricultural sector as compare to the female labor with lower education. Female labor in the city of which comprises two-thirds of the total female labor is recent migrant. They have larger probability to work in non-agricultural sector as compare to non-migran female labor.
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Friday, February 16, 2007
Peluang Pekerja Wanita dalam Memilih Lapangan Pekerjaan di Kota Batam
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